American Alliance | Security Guard & Patrol Services

Security solutions for your peace of mind.

Risk Management

Empowering strategic decision-making and fostering sustainable growth.

Step-By-Step Methodology

We tailor our Risk Assessments, only using perspectives customized for your organization. These encompass, but are not limited to:

  • Hazard Vulnerability Risk Assessment
  • Business Impact Assessment
  • Security Plans
  • Threat Risk Assessment
  • Violence Risk Assessment
  • Individual Risk of Violence
  • Organizational Risk of Violence Review
  • Fire Risk Assessments
  • Emergency Services Review
  • Integrated Technology Solutions
  • Biosecurity Threats, Assessments, Preparedness, and Response Support
  • Nautical and Waterborne Security
  • Gather Information: Collect comprehensive data about potential risks that could affect your business or objectives. This includes internal and external factors, industry-specific risks, market changes, etc.
  • Risk Categorization: Classify identified risks based on their nature, severity, probability of occurrence, and potential impact on your business or goals. Prioritize risks that require immediate attention.
  • Stakeholder Input: Involve key stakeholders, experts, and relevant personnel in the identification phase to ensure a comprehensive understanding of potential risks across different departments or areas.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Conduct a detailed analysis of each identified risk, assessing its likelihood of occurrence and potential impact. Use qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate and prioritize risks.
  • Risk Interdependencies: Analyze how different risks may interact or affect each other. Understand how the occurrence of one risk could trigger or escalate others, creating a domino effect.
  • Risk Mapping: Visualize identified risks, their relationships, and their potential impact on different aspects of your business or objectives. This helps in understanding the broader risk landscape.
  • Develop Strategies: Formulate effective strategies and action plans to mitigate identified risks. Assign responsibilities, define timelines, and establish clear steps to address each risk.
  • Implement Controls: Introduce preventive measures or controls to reduce the likelihood of risks occurring. This might include process improvements, compliance measures, security protocols, etc.
  • Monitoring and Review: Continuously monitor and review the effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies. Regularly reassess risks as the business landscape evolves, and make necessary adjustments to the mitigation plans.

In these three steps, we form a systematic approach to assess, analyze, and manage risks effectively, which allows you to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to safeguard your operations and objectives.

Gain the strategic edge you need.