American Alliance | Security Guard & Patrol Services

Security solutions for your peace of mind.

Loss Prevention

Secure your success. Prevent loss, increase profitability.

Ready to take your business's security to the next level? 


By partnering with us, not only will you be saving time and resources, you’re investing in guaranteed protection for your bottom line.

Our tailored strategies, honed through years of retail expertise, are designed to stop theft and fraud dead in their tracks.

Don’t let losses hold your business back. Secure your future today and watch your profits soar.


prevention audits

Identify vulnerabilities and potential risks within your business operations.

employee training

Tailored training programs designed to educate and empower your staff.


Diligent investigations carried out in response to incidents or suspicions of fraudulent activities, theft, or other security breaches, uncovering the root cause and preventing recurrence.

Operational Assessments

Optimize your business processes to enhance efficiency while minimizing the likelihood of losses due to operational inefficiencies or loopholes.
  • Assess operational procedures thoroughly.
  • Evaluate physical security devices.
  • Analyze previous incidents to uncover recurring internal risks.
  • Conduct informal surveys with managers for insider insights.
  • Develop policies for merchandise delivery and shipment.
  • Provide recommendations to curb both external and internal theft.
  • Loss Awareness
  • Shoplifting
  • Cash register theft
  • Workshops conducted by certified instructors with extensive loss prevention experience cover:
    1. Identifying sources of store losses
    2. Understanding the business impact of losses
    3. Explaining prevention philosophies
    4. Describing primary types of internal theft
    5. Clarifying administrative losses and appropriate actions in cases of internal thef

Internal shrinkage and administrative losses significantly impact inventory. Our experts address internal vulnerabilities and fortify prevention methods:

  • Evaluate and analyze operational procedures
  • Review historical incidents to detect recurring internal risks
  • Gather insights via informal surveys with managers
  • Develop detailed risk analysis reports with personalized action plans
  • Formulate policies for merchandise delivery and shipment
  • Assess and advise on stockroom operations

For external loss prevention, our services target shrinkage caused by external factors, protecting inventory against criminal activities through:

  • Trained Loss Prevention Officers versed in federal and provincial laws
  • Mobile patrols
  • Investigations into theft and fraud across physical and online stores
  • Deployment of floor walkers authorized to apprehend suspects in theft, shoplifting, fraud, and related crimes

Moreover, our expertise extends beyond retail, covering industries like construction, factories, distribution centers, warehouses, restaurants, and hotels to prevent shrinkage effectively.

Don't wait for losses to strike – act decisively to protect your future.